Source code for psynet.demography.gmsi

from typing import List, Optional

from psynet.modular_page import ModularPage, PushButtonControl
from import InfoPage
from psynet.timeline import CodeBlock, Module, Response, join

[docs] class GMSI(Module): """ The `Goldsmiths Musical Sophistication Index` (GMSI) questionnaire. Parameters ---------- label : str, default: "gmsi" A label used to distinguish the module from other modules in the timeline. In the case of multiple GMSI instances within a single timeline this label also allows to differentiate between the variable names used to store the participant's final scores; see :class:`~psynet.field.VarStore` for details. short_version : bool, optional, default: `False` Whether to use the reduced set of 29 questions. The citation for this short version is Lin, H. L., Frieler, K., & Müllensiefen, D. (2021). Development and Validation of Short Forms of the Goldsmiths Musical Sophistication Index in Three Languages. ICMPC/ESCOM 2021. See also and subscales: List, optional, default: `None` The subscales to be included in the questionnaire. Possible subscales are `Active Engagement`, `Emotions`, `General`, `Musical Training`, `Perceptual Abilities, `Singing Abilities`, `Absolute Pitch`, `Instrument`, and `Start Age`. If no subscales are provided all subscales are selected. Overrides the `short_version` parameter. info_page : InfoPage, optional, default: `None` An :class:`` object to be used as an introductionary first page. If none is supplied the default one is displayed (see source code). """ def __init__( self, label: str = "gmsi", short_version: bool = False, subscales: Optional[List] = None, info_page: Optional[InfoPage] = None, ): self.label = label self.short_version = short_version self.subscales = subscales if info_page is None: info_page = InfoPage( "The following questions are designed to assess your musicality. Please answer as accurately as possible.", time_estimate=5, ) questions = [] if self.subscales is not None: questions = { label: question_data()[label] for label, data in question_data().items() if any(subscale in self.subscales for subscale in data["subscales"]) } elif self.short_version: questions_labels = [ f"q_{question_number:02d}" for question_number in [ 1, 4, 19, 27, 30, 36, 3, 10, 20, 26, 39, 2, 12, 16, 22, 35, 6, 13, 14, 24, 28, 29, 32, 8, 11, 23, 33, 40, 41, ] ] questions = { label: question_data()[label] for label, data in question_data().items() if label in questions_labels } else: questions = question_data() self.elts = join( info_page, [ GMSIPage( label, data["prompt"], data["choices"], labels=data.get("labels"), arrange_vertically=data["arrange_vertically"], module_label=self.label, ) for label, data in questions.items() ], self.save_scores, ) super().__init__(self.label, self.elts) @property def save_scores(self): return CodeBlock( lambda participant: participant.var.set( self.label, self.compile_results(participant) ) ) def compile_results(self, participant): # get all responses for the participant from the database responses = Response.query.filter_by( # filter to retain only gmsi responses for current module responses = [ response for response in responses if response.question in question_data().keys() and response.metadata["gmsi_label"] == self.label ] # calculate score for each question response_scores = { response.question: self.calculate_score(response.question, response.answer) for response in responses } # group scores by subscale grouped_scores = {} for question, score in response_scores.items(): subscales = question_data()[question]["subscales"] for subscale in subscales: if subscale in grouped_scores.keys(): grouped_scores[subscale].append(score) else: grouped_scores[subscale] = [score] # calculate arithmetic mean for each subscale mean_scores_per_scale = { group[0]: ( round(sum(group[1]) / len(group[1]), 6) if all(isinstance(item, int) for item in group[1]) else group[1][0] ) for group in grouped_scores.items() } if self.subscales: # remove subscales not asked for mean_scores_per_scale = { subscale: score for subscale, score in mean_scores_per_scale.items() if subscale in self.subscales } return { "response_scores": response_scores, "mean_scores_per_scale": mean_scores_per_scale, } @staticmethod def calculate_score(question, answer): if isinstance(answer, str): answer = answer.replace('"', "") if question == "q_40" and answer == "19": return None if question in ["q_32", "q_41"]: return answer raw_value = int(answer) return (8 - raw_value) if question_data()[question]["inverted"] else raw_value
class GMSIPage(ModularPage): def __init__( self, label, prompt, choices, labels=None, arrange_vertically=False, module_label="gmsi", ): self.label = label self.prompt = prompt self.choices = choices self.labels = labels self.arrange_vertically = arrange_vertically self.time_estimate = 5 self.module_label = module_label control = PushButtonControl( choices=self.choices, labels=self.labels, arrange_vertically=self.arrange_vertically, ) super().__init__( self.label, self.prompt, control=control, time_estimate=self.time_estimate, ) def metadata(self, **kwargs): return {"gmsi_label": self.module_label} def agreement_scale(): return { "choices": list(range(1, 8)), "labels": [ "Completely disagree", "Strongly disagree", "Disagree", "Neither agree nor disagree", "Agree", "Strongly agree", "Completely agree", ], } def question_data(): return { "q_01": { "prompt": "I spend a lot of my free time doing music-related activities.", "inverted": False, "subscales": ["Active Engagement", "General"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": agreement_scale()["labels"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_02": { "prompt": "I engaged in regular, daily practice of a musical instrument (including voice) for the following number of years:", "inverted": False, "subscales": ["Musical Training", "General"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4-5", "6-9", "10 or more"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_03": { "prompt": "I sometimes choose music that can trigger shivers down my spine.", "inverted": False, "subscales": ["Emotions"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": agreement_scale()["labels"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_04": { "prompt": "I enjoy writing about music, for example on blogs and forums.", "inverted": False, "subscales": ["Active Engagement", "General"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": agreement_scale()["labels"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_05": { "prompt": "If somebody starts singing a song I don't know, I can usually join in.", "inverted": False, "subscales": ["Singing Abilities", "General"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": agreement_scale()["labels"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_06": { "prompt": "I am able to judge whether someone is a good singer or not.", "inverted": False, "subscales": ["Perceptual Abilities"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": agreement_scale()["labels"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_07": { "prompt": "I usually know when I'm hearing a song for the first time.", "inverted": False, "subscales": ["Perceptual Abilities"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": agreement_scale()["labels"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_08": { "prompt": "I can sing or play music from memory.", "inverted": False, "subscales": ["Singing Abilities", "General"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": agreement_scale()["labels"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_09": { "prompt": "I'm intrigued by musical styles I'm not familiar with and want to find out more.", "inverted": False, "subscales": ["Active Engagement"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": agreement_scale()["labels"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_10": { "prompt": "Pieces of music rarely evoke emotions for me.", "inverted": True, "subscales": ["Emotions"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": agreement_scale()["labels"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_11": { "prompt": "I am able to hit the right notes when I sing along with a recording.", "inverted": False, "subscales": ["Singing Abilities", "General"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": agreement_scale()["labels"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_12": { "prompt": "At the peak of my interest, I practised my primary instrument (including voice) for the following number of hours per day:", "inverted": False, "subscales": ["Musical Training", "General"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": ["0", "0.5", "1", "1.5", "2", "3-4", "5 or more"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_13": { "prompt": "I find it difficult to spot mistakes in a performance of a song even if I know the tune.", "inverted": True, "subscales": ["Perceptual Abilities"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": agreement_scale()["labels"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_14": { "prompt": "I can compare and discuss differences between two performances or versions of the same piece of music.", "inverted": False, "subscales": ["Perceptual Abilities", "General"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": agreement_scale()["labels"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_15": { "prompt": "I have trouble recognizing a familiar song when played in a different way or by a different performer.", "inverted": True, "subscales": ["Perceptual Abilities"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": agreement_scale()["labels"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_16": { "prompt": "I have never been complimented for my talents as a musical performer.", "inverted": True, "subscales": ["Musical Training", "General"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": agreement_scale()["labels"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_17": { "prompt": "I have attended the following number of live music events as an audience member in the past twelve months:", "inverted": False, "subscales": ["Active Engagement"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4-6", "7-10", "11 or more"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_18": { "prompt": "I have had formal training in music theory for the following number of years", "inverted": False, "subscales": ["Musical Training"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": ["0", "0.5", "1", "2", "3", "4-6", "7 or more"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_19": { "prompt": "I often read or search the internet for things related to music.", "inverted": False, "subscales": ["Active Engagement", "General"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": agreement_scale()["labels"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_20": { "prompt": "I often pick certain music to motivate or excite me.", "inverted": False, "subscales": ["Emotions"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": agreement_scale()["labels"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_21": { "prompt": "I have had formal training on a musical instrument (including voice) during my lifetime for the following number of years:", "inverted": False, "subscales": ["Musical Training"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": ["0", "0.5", "1", "2", "3-5", "6-9", "10 or more"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_22": { "prompt": "I can play the following number of musical instruments (including voice):", "inverted": False, "subscales": ["Musical Training", "General"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6 or more"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_23": { "prompt": "I am able to sing in harmony when somebody is singing a familiar tune.", "inverted": False, "subscales": ["Singing Abilities", "General"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": agreement_scale()["labels"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_24": { "prompt": "I can tell when people sing or play out of time with the beat.", "inverted": False, "subscales": ["Perceptual Abilities"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": agreement_scale()["labels"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_25": { "prompt": "I am able to identify what is special about a given musical piece.", "inverted": False, "subscales": ["Emotions", "General"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": agreement_scale()["labels"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_26": { "prompt": "I am able to talk about the emotions that a piece of music evokes for me.", "inverted": False, "subscales": ["Emotions"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": agreement_scale()["labels"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_27": { "prompt": "I don't spend much of my disposable income on music.", "inverted": True, "subscales": ["Active Engagement"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": agreement_scale()["labels"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_28": { "prompt": "I can tell when people sing or play out of tune.", "inverted": False, "subscales": ["Perceptual Abilities"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": agreement_scale()["labels"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_29": { "prompt": "When I sing, I have no idea whether I'm in tune or not.", "inverted": True, "subscales": ["Perceptual Abilities", "General"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": agreement_scale()["labels"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_30": { "prompt": "Music is kind of an addiction for me – I couldn't live without it.", "inverted": False, "subscales": ["Active Engagement", "General"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": agreement_scale()["labels"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_31": { "prompt": "I listen attentively to music for the following amount of time per day:", "inverted": False, "subscales": ["Active Engagement"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": [ "0-15 min", "15-30 min", "30-60 min", "60-90 min", "2 hrs", "2-3 hrs", "4 hrs or more", ], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_32": { "prompt": "The instrument I play best (including voice) is:", "inverted": False, "subscales": ["Instrument"], "choices": [ "I don't play any instrument.", "voice", "piano", "guitar", "drums", "xylophone", "flute", "oboe", "clarinet", "bassoon", "trumpet", "trombone", "tuba", "saxophone", "horn", "violin", "cello", "viola", "double bass", "harp", "other", ], "arrange_vertically": False, }, "q_33": { "prompt": "I don't like singing in public because I'm afraid that I would sing wrong notes.", "inverted": True, "subscales": ["Singing Abilities", "General"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": agreement_scale()["labels"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_34": { "prompt": "When I hear a piece of music I can usually identify its genre.", "inverted": False, "subscales": ["Perceptual Abilities"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": agreement_scale()["labels"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_35": { "prompt": "I would not consider myself a musician.", "inverted": True, "subscales": ["Musical Training", "General"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": agreement_scale()["labels"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_36": { "prompt": "I keep track of new music that I come across (e.g. new artists or recordings).", "inverted": False, "subscales": ["Active Engagement"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": agreement_scale()["labels"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_37": { "prompt": "After hearing a new song two or three times, I can usually sing it by myself.", "inverted": False, "subscales": ["Singing Abilities", "General"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": agreement_scale()["labels"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_38": { "prompt": "I only need to hear a new tune once and I can sing it back hours later.", "inverted": False, "subscales": ["Singing Abilities"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": agreement_scale()["labels"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_39": { "prompt": "Music can evoke my memories of past people and places.", "inverted": False, "subscales": ["Emotions"], "choices": agreement_scale()["choices"], "labels": agreement_scale()["labels"], "arrange_vertically": True, }, "q_40": { "prompt": "What age did you start to play an instrument?", "inverted": False, "subscales": ["Start Age"], "choices": list(range(2, 20)), "labels": list(range(2, 19)) + ["I don't play any instrument."], "arrange_vertically": False, }, "q_41": { "prompt": "Do you have absolute pitch? Absolute or perfect pitch is the ability to recognise and name an isolated musical tone without a reference tone, e.g. being able to say 'F#' if someone plays that note on the piano.", "inverted": False, "subscales": ["Absolute Pitch"], "choices": ["Yes", "No"], "arrange_vertically": False, }, }