
exception psynet.utils.DuplicateKeyError[source]

Bases: ValueError

class psynet.utils.NoArgumentProvided[source]

Bases: object

We use this class as a replacement for None as a default argument, to distinguish cases where the user doesn’t provide an argument from cases where they intentionally provide None as an argument.

psynet.utils.cache(user_function, /)[source]

Simple lightweight unbounded cache. Sometimes called “memoize”.

psynet.utils.call_function(function, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Calls a function with *args and **kwargs, but omits any **kwargs that are not requested explicitly.


Defines an analogous version of @property but for classes, after https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5189699/how-to-make-a-class-property.


List compiled using the pycountry package v20.7.3 with

sorted([(lang.alpha_2, lang.name) for lang in pycountry.countries
    if hasattr(lang, 'alpha_2')], key=lambda country: country[1])

  • A dictionary of all custom SQLAlchemy classes defined in the local experiment

  • (excluding any which are defined within packages).


Returns the language selected in config.txt. Throws a KeyError if no such language is specified.


  • A string, for example “en”.

psynet.utils.get_object_from_module(module_name, object_name)[source]

Finds and returns an object from a module.

  • module_name (str) – The name of the module.

  • object_name (str) – The name of the object.

psynet.utils.is_method_overridden(obj, ancestor, method)[source]

Test whether a method has been overridden.

  • obj – Object to test.

  • ancestor (Type) – Ancestor class to test against.

  • method (str) – Method name.


  • Returns True if the object shares a method with its ancestor,

  • or False if that method has been overridden.


List compiled using the pycountry package v20.7.3 with

sorted([(lang.alpha_2, lang.name) for lang in pycountry.languages
    if hasattr(lang, 'alpha_2')], key=lambda country: country[1])
psynet.utils.linspace(lower, upper, length)[source]

Returns a list of equally spaced numbers between two closed bounds.

  • lower (number) – The lower bound.

  • upper (number) – The upper bound.

  • length (int) – The length of the resulting list.


Creates the parent directories for a specified file if they don’t exist already.


  • The original path.

psynet.utils.merge_dicts(*args, overwrite)[source]

Merges a collection of dictionaries, with later dictionaries taking precedence when the same key appears twice.

  • *args – Dictionaries to merge.

  • overwrite (bool) – If True, when the same key appears twice in multiple dictionaries, the key from the latter dictionary takes precedence. If False, an error is thrown if such duplicates occur.

psynet.utils.merge_two_dicts(x, y, overwrite)[source]

Merges two dictionaries.

  • x (dict) – First dictionary.

  • y (dict) – Second dictionary.

  • overwrite (bool) – If True, when the same key appears twice in the two dictionaries, the key from the latter dictionary takes precedence. If False, an error is thrown if such duplicates occur.


Negates a function.


f – Function to negate.

psynet.utils.organize_by_key(lst, key, sort_key=None)[source]

Sorts a list of items into groups.

  • lst – List to sort.

  • key – Function applied to elements of lst which defines the grouping key.


  • A dictionary keyed by the outputs of key.

psynet.utils.query_yes_no(question, default='yes')[source]

Ask a yes/no question via raw_input() and return their answer.

“question” is a string that is presented to the user. “default” is the presumed answer if the user just hits <Enter>.

It must be “yes” (the default), “no” or None (meaning an answer is required of the user).

The “answer” return value is True for “yes” or False for “no”.


Decorator to verify that a command is run inside a valid PsyNet experiment directory.


Decorator to verify that a command is run inside a directory which contains a requirements.txt file.


Serialise objects not serialisable by default